International Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education
The International Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ICAQAHE) is a global organization committed to enhancing the quality of higher education worldwide.
ICAQAHE provides accreditation services for institutions and programs, developing standards and guidelines to ensure academic excellence.
Learn More
The International Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ICAQAHE) is an organization dedicated to promoting quality assurance in higher education globally.
ICAQAHE provides accreditation services to universities, schools, public private entities and colleges around the world. We also offer training and support to help institutions improve their quality assurance practices.
Mission and Vision
The International Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ICAQAHE) is dedicated to promoting excellence in higher education globally.
ICAQAHE strives to enhance the quality and relevance of higher education institutions by establishing and promoting robust accreditation standards.
Guiding Principles
ICAQAHE fosters collaboration with stakeholders, institutions, and international partners to promote quality assurance in higher education.
Equity and Inclusivity
ICAQAHE is committed to ensuring equity and inclusivity in its practices and processes, recognizing the diverse nature of the global higher education landscape.
Global Perspective
ICAQAHE adopts a global perspective in its accreditation standards and processes, acknowledging the international context of higher education.
Continuous Improvement
ICAQAHE encourages continuous improvement in quality assurance practices within institutions and within its own operations.
Organizational Structure
ICAQAHE is governed by a Board of Directors, which oversees the organization's operations and sets its strategic direction.
The Board comprises experts in higher education, quality assurance, and related fields. ICAQAHE also has a Secretariat that manages its day-to-day activities.
The Secretariat is responsible for implementing the Board's decisions and managing the accreditation process.
Board of Directors
The ICAQAHE Board of Directors comprises experienced higher education leaders, accreditation experts, and quality assurance professionals from diverse backgrounds and geographic locations.
The Board of Directors is responsible for setting strategic direction, ensuring financial stability, overseeing accreditation processes, and upholding the ethical standards of the organization.
Accreditation Standards
  • ICAQAHE's accreditation standards are rigorous, ensuring quality assurance in higher education institutions.
  • The standards cover all aspects of academic operations, including curriculum, faculty qualifications, research, and student support.
  • These standards are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect evolving best practices and global trends.
  • Accreditation standards are accessible to the public, promoting transparency and accountability.
Accreditation Process







Application Submission
Applicants submit a complete application package, including the self-study report.


Initial Review
The ICAQAHE staff reviews the application for completeness and compliance with eligibility requirements.


Peer Review
A panel of external reviewers, composed of experts in the field, evaluates the self-study report and makes recommendations.


Site Visit/Online Visit
The ICAQAHE team conducts an on-site visit or online visit to verify the information provided in the self-study report.


The ICAQAHE Board of Directors reviews the recommendations from the reviewers and the site visit team.
Eligibility Requirements


1. Institutional Status
Institutions must be legally recognized and operate within a defined legal framework. This includes universities, colleges, and other post-secondary institutions.


2. Academic Programs
Institutions must offer academic programs that meet established quality standards. These programs should have defined curricula, qualified faculty, and appropriate learning resources.


3. Financial Stability
Institutions must demonstrate financial stability and sustainability. They must have adequate resources to support their operations and ensure the quality of their academic programs.


4. Commitment to Quality
Institutions must demonstrate a commitment to quality assurance and continuous improvement. This includes having established internal quality assurance systems and procedures.
Self-Study Guidelines
The self-study process is an essential part of the accreditation process for institutions seeking accreditation from ICAQAHE. Institutions must thoroughly document their current practices and policies, outlining their strengths and areas for improvement in accordance with ICAQAHE's accreditation standards. This comprehensive self-study report provides valuable insights for the institution and the accreditation review team.
The self-study report should be comprehensive, addressing all aspects of the institution's operations, including its academic programs, faculty qualifications, student support services, governance, and financial stability. Institutions are encouraged to engage in a collaborative process involving faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders in the self-study process.
Site Visit Procedures


Planning Stage
The ICAQAHE team collaborates with the institution to schedule the site visit, confirm the logistics, and prepare a visit itinerary.


On-Site Evaluation
A team of experienced reviewers visits the institution, meets with key stakeholders, examines relevant documents, and observes academic activities.


Reporting and Feedback
The reviewers compile a comprehensive report summarizing their findings, recommendations, and any areas for improvement. Feedback is shared with the institution.
Decision-Making Process
  • ICAQAHE utilizes a rigorous and transparent decision-making process to ensure the quality and integrity of accreditation outcomes.
  • A panel of expert reviewers, drawn from the international higher education community, evaluates each institution's application and conducts site visits.
  • The panel's recommendations are carefully reviewed by the ICAQAHE Board of Directors, which ultimately decides whether to grant accreditation.
  • Decisions are made based on a comprehensive assessment of the institution's compliance with accreditation standards, its commitment to quality assurance, and its overall institutional effectiveness.
Accreditation Outcomes
The International Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ICAQAHE) reviews the self-study report, site visit, and other supporting documents. The commission carefully examines the institution's compliance with the accreditation standards and guidelines.
ICAQAHE's decision-making process is based on a thorough evaluation of the evidence. The commission deliberates and votes on the final accreditation outcome.
Possible outcomes include full accreditation, conditional accreditation, or denial of accreditation. The commission may also recommend specific actions or improvements for the institution.
The accreditation decision is communicated to the institution in writing. The decision includes the reasons for the outcome and any recommendations for improvement.
Accreditation Renewal
Accreditation renewal is a periodic process that ensures institutions maintain their commitment to quality assurance standards. Accredited institutions must undergo a comprehensive review to demonstrate continued compliance with ICAQAHE's criteria. This process involves submitting a self-study report, undergoing a site visit, and presenting evidence of ongoing improvements.
The renewal process typically occurs every five years. The frequency of renewal may vary depending on specific program or institution types. Institutions must submit a renewal application at least six months prior to the expiration date of their current accreditation.
Complaint Procedures
How to File a Complaint
ICAQAHE has a formal process for handling complaints. Any individual or institution can submit a complaint. Complaints must be submitted in writing and include specific details. A dedicated team will review all complaints thoroughly.
Complaint Investigation and Resolution
  • ICAQAHE will investigate all complaints promptly and fairly.
  • The investigation may involve gathering information, interviewing individuals, and reviewing documents.
  • Based on the investigation findings, ICAQAHE will take appropriate actions, which may include mediation, disciplinary action, or other remedies.
Appeals Process
What are the grounds for an appeal?
Institutions can appeal decisions made by the ICAQAHE Board. Appeals must be based on substantial evidence or procedural errors. The appeal process is transparent and fair.
How do I file an appeal?
  • Submit a written appeal to the ICAQAHE Secretary within 30 days of the decision.
  • Include evidence supporting the appeal and any relevant documentation.
  • The appeal will be reviewed by the Appeals Committee, which will make a final decision.
International Collaborations
Global Network
ICAQAHE collaborates with international organizations to promote quality assurance in higher education globally.
Joint Initiatives
We participate in joint projects with international partners to develop best practices and share expertise.
Knowledge Exchange
ICAQAHE fosters knowledge exchange and collaboration among international higher education institutions.
Latest News:
  • ICAQAHE collaborates with international organizations to promote quality assurance in higher education globally.
  • As of October 15, 2024, ICAQAHE joined hands with The Public Foundation "Independent Accreditation Agency 'Bilim-Standard'" in the Kyrgyz Republic, one of the Premier accreditation agencies from Kyrgyz Republic.
  • The Agency is recognized by the National Accreditation Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic as an accrediting organization.
  • The Public Foundation "Independent Accreditation Agency 'Bilim-Standard'" was established in 2018 in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. The agency is engaged in organizing and conducting institutional and program accreditation for educational institutions implementing programs at the secondary, primary secondary, secondary vocational, higher vocational, and postgraduate levels of education.
  • The agency is a member of the Eurasian Association for Educational Quality Assessment (EAOQA), International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), and Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN).
  • Mission of the agency: To improve the competitiveness of graduates by establishing and developing quality assurance systems.
Regional Offices/Advisors
ICAQAHE has established a network of regional offices around the world. These offices provide localized support to institutions seeking accreditation and enhance our global reach.
Each regional office is staffed by experienced professionals who offer guidance and assistance to institutions in their respective regions.
Regional offices are responsible for facilitating the accreditation process, organizing workshops, and fostering communication with institutions within their geographical area.
Annual Membership Fees
Institutional Member: Complementary
Affiliate Member: Application fee EUR 200
Annual Affiliate membership fee 500 EUR.
Certified / Accredited Member: Annual membership fee 600 EUR.
Individual Members: 120 EUR annual membership fee.
Capacity Building Initiatives
ICAQAHE is committed to supporting higher education institutions in their quality enhancement endeavors. We offer a variety of capacity-building initiatives designed to help institutions improve their quality assurance systems and practices.
These initiatives include workshops, seminars, and training programs on topics such as accreditation standards, self-study processes, and site visit procedures. ICAQAHE also provides resources and guidance to institutions on developing and implementing effective quality assurance frameworks.
Our capacity-building initiatives aim to foster a culture of continuous improvement within higher education institutions and to promote the adoption of best practices in quality assurance. We believe that by working together, we can create a stronger and more vibrant higher education system that meets the needs of learners and society.
Quality Assurance Workshops
Tailored Training
ICAQAHE offers customized workshops that cater to the specific needs of institutions seeking to enhance their quality assurance practices.
Practical Skills Development
Workshops provide hands-on training and practical tools to help institutions implement effective quality assurance strategies.
Expert Facilitation
Workshops are led by experienced quality assurance professionals and experts in higher education, ensuring high-quality instruction and guidance.
Peer Learning and Networking
Workshops foster a collaborative environment where participants can share best practices, network with peers, and learn from one another.
Research and Publications
  • ICAQAHE conducts rigorous research on higher education quality assurance practices.
  • The commission publishes reports, articles, and books on topics related to accreditation, quality enhancement, and best practices.
  • Its research findings contribute to the development of evidence-based policies and initiatives that promote excellence in higher education worldwide.
  • ICAQAHE collaborates with universities, research institutions, and international organizations to advance knowledge in the field.
  • The commission's publications are available on its website and through various academic channels.
Membership Benefits
Accreditation Recognition
Membership signifies adherence to quality standards, promoting credibility among stakeholders.
Members receive institutional recognition for their commitment to quality assurance in higher education.
Networking Opportunities
Access to a global network of institutions, fostering collaboration and exchange of best practices.
Opportunities to participate in conferences, workshops, and events, promoting professional development.
Professional Development
Access to resources and training programs, enhancing knowledge and skills in quality assurance.
Members receive updates on latest trends, policies, and regulations related to accreditation.
Advisory Services
Members can access expert guidance on accreditation-related matters, ensuring compliance and success.
Support in navigating the accreditation process, including self-study, site visits, and decision-making.
Accreditation Fees
ICAQAHE charges a fee for accreditation services. This fee is based on the size and complexity of the institution seeking accreditation.
Fees are used to cover the costs of administering the accreditation process, including staff salaries, travel expenses, and materials development.
ICAQAHE offers a payment plan for institutions unable to pay the full amount upfront.
Financial Transparency
ICAQAHE is committed to financial transparency. We maintain open and transparent financial records. Our financial statements are publicly available.
We are committed to responsible financial management. We use resources efficiently and effectively. We are accountable for our financial decisions.
We adhere to the highest ethical standards. We operate with integrity. We are committed to avoiding conflicts of interest.
Governance Policies
  • Transparency and Accountability: ICAQAHE operates with transparent and accountable governance structures. All policies and procedures are publicly available on the website.
  • Conflict of Interest Management: A robust conflict of interest management policy ensures impartiality and fairness in all accreditation processes.
  • Financial Sustainability: Financial policies ensure long-term sustainability and the effective use of resources to support accreditation activities.
  • Ethical Conduct: ICAQAHE adheres to the highest ethical standards in all operations, promoting integrity and trust among stakeholders.
  • Continuous Improvement: A culture of continuous improvement guides the development and implementation of policies, fostering ongoing enhancement of processes and outcomes.
Stakeholder Engagement

Open Communication
We encourage open communication with all stakeholders including institutions, government agencies, and educational bodies.

Collaborative Approach
We prioritize a collaborative approach, seeking input and feedback from all stakeholders to continuously improve our processes.

Transparent Practices
We are committed to transparent practices, providing regular updates on our activities and initiatives.

Active Engagement
We actively engage with stakeholders through conferences, workshops, and online forums to foster a shared understanding.
Continuous Improvement
  • ICAQAHE is committed to continuous improvement.
  • We regularly review our processes and policies.
  • We seek feedback from stakeholders.
  • We strive to enhance the quality of our services.
  • We embrace innovation and best practices.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is ICAQAHE?
ICAQAHE is an international commission dedicated to accrediting and promoting quality assurance in higher education. It is a non-profit organization that sets standards, evaluates institutions, and provides guidance to institutions to improve their practices.
What are the benefits of accreditation?
Accreditation by ICAQAHE brings several benefits to institutions, including improved quality assurance, enhanced international recognition, increased student confidence, and better access to funding opportunities. It also demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and elevates the institution's reputation.
How can I get accreditation for my institution?
To apply for accreditation, institutions must meet the eligibility requirements and submit a comprehensive self-study report. ICAQAHE will then conduct a site visit and review the institution's documentation. The final decision on accreditation is made by the ICAQAHE Board of Directors.
What are the fees for accreditation?
The accreditation fees vary depending on the size and type of institution. The fees cover the costs of the review process, including staff time, travel expenses, and administrative overhead. Details about the fees are available on the ICAQAHE website.
Contact Us
Have questions about ICAQAHE's accreditation services? Contact our team for guidance on accreditation, quality assurance, and the application process at
Apply for Accreditation
The International Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ICAQAHE) welcomes applications from institutions seeking accreditation. To apply, institutions must submit a comprehensive self-study report outlining their quality assurance practices, institutional mission, and educational programs.
The self-study report should be submitted electronically through the ICAQAHE website.






Electronic submission through website


Evaluation by expert panel


Site Visit
On-site evaluation


Accreditation decision by Board
After submission, the self-study report is reviewed by an expert panel. The panel may recommend a site visit to further evaluate the institution's compliance with accreditation standards. The ICAQAHE Board of Directors makes the final decision on accreditation status, considering the panel's recommendations and site visit findings.
International Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ICAQAHE) @ 2024